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Jake Sinatra & Kay Carlson - Cuyahoga Arts & Culture

We have a perfect place to enjoy the great outdoors!

Let’s get back to nature! And we have a great place to start. Jake Sinatra was here from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture along with Kay Carlson from the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes.

Below are the questions Alexa and Michael asked:

The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes is such a beautiful space on the east side. Why did you bring them with you today? And how is Cuyahoga Arts and Culture related to a parks and nature?

For people who don’t know about the Nature Center, tell us more about it.

You mentioned the trails. You are in the middle of a big renovation to one of your trails, is that right?

If people don’t want to wait until November to check out the Nature Center, do you have any programs coming up?

Where can folks find more information about Family Campfire Night and other events this fall?

Tell us if you go The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes! Find us on social media @ ‘Live on Lakeside’ and let us know!




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