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Dr. Jerome Smith & Marie R. K. Dillingham - POISE Entertainment Education Company

Learn all about the “You Can Do It Program,” from POISE Entertainment Education Company!

Sometimes the best way to help someone is to show them what’s possible. That’s the basis of the ‘You Can Do It’ Program which is an outreach of POISE Entertainment Education Company. CEO and Founder, Dr. Jerome Smith and Marketing Director, Marie R. K. Dillingham joined the show to tell us more.

Below are questions Tiffany had for Dr. Smith and Marie:
About Dr. Smith’s background as an educator, where did you teach?
Talk about the You Can Do It Program and how it started.
How do you foresee school getting school districts involved in your program?
What does the You Can Do It Program do and who does it help?
As Marketing Director, what is your vision for the program?
Dr. Sith has written several books; please talk to us about the newest book “Cleveland Around the World”.

Visit our social media, ‘We The People’, and let us know what you think about this incredible new program!

For more information: 
POISE Entertainment Education Company

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