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Have a consumer problem? We have help for you

We have plenty of resources to help you with your consumer complaints on National Consumer Protection Week!
Credit: AP

Whether it's a problem with a debt collector, a scammer posing as an IRS agent, or a dispute over your cell service...there is no shortage of consumer complaints. Here are some of the biggest consumer issues and the agencies that will help you out.

Used Cars

It could be a lemon car that keeps breaking down, misleading ads, or a warranty issue.

Buying a used car can be a gamble.

You can research dealers with the Better Business Bureau and the Ohio Attorney General, both of which can resolve complaints.

You should also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, which tracks violations.

Shopping websites

Given more than eighty percent of consumers buy online, there are a lot of issues.

Maybe you didn't get what you thought you paid for or got nothing at all. Your bill is wrong or you can't get a refund.

Your credit card company often covers it. If not, contact your local department of Consumer Affairs which mediates disputes.

The website ConsumerAction.gov and USA.gov connect you with agencies to solve your complaints.

And if the seller is overseas, there's Econsumer.gov which partners with consumer agencies worldwide.


Despite all the people cutting the cord, cable companies are still unpopular. With complaints over bills, misleading sales pitches and bad service.

These problems are handled by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and the Ohio Department of Commerce which help resolve disputes.

But also file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission which tracks them.

Debt collectors

Topping the list are abusive debt collectors who threaten, call when they're told to stop and pursue debts people don't owe.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau goes after bad agencies.

And if a company violates the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, you might be able to sue for damages with the help of a consumer attorney. You can find one through the National Association of Consumer Advocates.

Agencies and Tips for Filing Consumer Complaints

Consumer Action Handbook

Additional Complaint Websites

USA.gov's How-to-file a consumer complaint


Where to find an Attorney via Consumer Advocates.org

We also have compiled a list of helpful phone numbers for you:

NCPW Agency Referral Sheet 2018 by WKYC.com on Scribd

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