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A Turning Point | Panel discussion about the terms Hispanic, Latino, Latina, and 'Latinx/Latiné'

During the 45-minute conversation, our panel explored the terms' origins, meanings and possible future.

CLEVELAND — Editor's Note: The above video is part of our Hispanic Heritage Month coverage.

As Cleveland and the world becomes a more fluid and diverse ecosystem, it is imperative that we understand the differences between Hispanic, Latino, Latina, and Latinés/Latinxs. It is a topic that often sparks fiery discussion between a Spanish-language purists and the freethinkers. 

In this month's digital 'Turning Point' conversation dedicated to Hispanic Heritage Month, 3News journalist Jorge Ramos Pantoja and a panel of professionals discussed the topic.

This panel included experienced guests from all sides of the spectrum.

Dr. Damaris Puñales–Alpízar is an Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Case Western Reserve. She studied Journalism at the University of Havana and has worked as a journalist in Cuba, Belize, and Mexico. She's a writer and teaches Caribbean and Latin American literature and culture.

Gus Hoyas is a Hispanic community leader and business executive with strong opinions about the term 'Latinx'. He has a bachelor's degree on Political Science and Government, Spanish, and Foreign Affairs from John Carroll University. He currently owns an insurance agency and works in the non-profit sector.

Bella Sin is a professional dancer, stage performer, and model. Sin prefers gender-neutral terms and identify as Latiné. They serve as a volunteer in the LGBT community. Bella says their activism and outspoken personality helped make them both famous and infamous.

Watch our A Turning Point panel discussion in the player above or below to be a part of the conversation. 

On Thursday, October 7th at 7 p.m., watch our 'Turning Point' special on 3News devoted to celebrating the contributions of Latinos Hispanic Americans to Northeast Ohio and the world.

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