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Dave Mortach – A Guide to Protect Your Savings in 2020

Dave tells us how we can prepare for changes in the stock market this year.

It’s a new year – time to talk new strategies for protecting our savings. Dave Mortach joined Alexa and Joe in studio today to help! Dave is the President of Mortach Financial and host of the popular radio show, “Retirement Wealth Planning.”

Here are the questions Alexa and Joe asked:

Dave, an article from MarketWatch warns that in this new year the stock market might decline. Should we be concerned?

Knowing that anything could happen, how can we position ourselves to minimize potential losses and maximize our gains?

What makes annuities such an attractive option?

Just curious here, but what happens if the market turns and goes up? How do these products work then?

We’ve heard it since we were young – you can’t have your cake and eat it too. There have to be high fees associated with these products.

What kind of monies can we use to open these annuities? And who’s eligible to open an account?

Alright Dave… Protection from market losses, solid growth and no fees – are we missing anything?

Are you invested in the stock market? Find us on social media @ ‘Live on Lakeside’ and let us know!



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