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Hollie Strano gets real by taking the 'Scare Your Soul' challenge: We dare you to try

Do you have what it takes?

CLEVELAND — Social media feeds are often filled with photos of smiling families, exotic vacations, hardcore workouts and mouth-watering food. 

But life is far from picture-perfect.

“We’re not really seeing the true people in our lives, we’re seeing a snapshot that has a filter on it,” said Scott Simon, founder of Scare Your Soul.

The Scare Your Soul movement challenges people to get out of their comfort zone. To try new things and ignite their best self. 

“It’s about confronting what we all deal with every day, which is fear," Simon said. "Fear’s job is solo. It’s to keep us safe. That’s fear’s job and in many cases that’s very important. We don’t want to walk out in the middle of traffic. We have to know fear Is real. But when fear isn’t real and its stories we’re creating in our head about if I do this, I’ll get embarrassed, or other people may not approve or I may fail. We all have those feelings, but if we can get beyond that and take that one little step to push our comfort zone we realize we really can do those things. Then we share then, which to me is really the magic of Scare Your Soul."

Challenges range from as simple as keeping a gratitude journal to buying a stranger coffee.

Simon challenged our Go! meteorologist Hollie Strano to post a photo to social media and tell the real story about what was happening when the photo was taken.

“The challenge here was really to be vulnerable and true,” Strano said.

Strano posted a picture she said she would usually post with an inspirational quote and it may be taken as relaxed or maybe serious. But the truth was she was having a bad day. 

“It felt really real to be able to talk about it and to be in the moment and present,” said Strano. 

Viewer reaction was incredible. Many people posted that they are glad she shared the truth and they often feel the same way.

To join the Scare your Soul movement click here.

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