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Reactions strong on both sides react after Parma man gets cited for rescuing dogs from hot car

While some have been defending Hill's actions to save the animals, others believe he acted too quickly.

This past Monday, WKYC shared with you the story of Richard Hill, a Parma contractor who was cited for doing what he thought was the right thing: smashing a car window to rescue two dogs that were inside.

Surveillance footage shows the dogs had only been in the car for eight minutes, and Hill was cited for criminal damaging. The story quickly took off (even getting picked up by Drudge Report).

PETA lended its voice to the situation Wednesday with a latter to Hill written by founder and President Ingrid Newkirk, which states, "If the citation does result in a fine, we will be there to help. Thank you." A GoFundMe page for Hill's legal fees has also been set up.

Overall reactions have been more divided: While most have been defending Hill's efforts to save the animals, others believe he acted too quickly.

Here's what some of our viewers had to say:

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